Welcome to the V24 release of Civil Site Design and Stringer Topo.
We have put together a list of resources you may need to assist you and your team with installation and any questions you may have.
Read Me Guides
We recommend that you start your journey to V24 here. These provide you with an outline of everything V24
Civil Site Design https://civilsitedesign.com.au/civil-site-design-v2400/
Stringer Topo https://stringersurvey.com.au/stringer-topo-release-notes2400/
Installation Guides
This document is both Civil Site Design and Stringer Topo. It outlines how to install the products and other important information you may require.
Installation Guide V24 Civil Site Design & Stringer Topo: https://www.downloads.civilsurveysolutions.com/licensing/CSA_Installation_Guide.pdf
Installation Guide for CSD+ ONLY: https://www.downloads.civilsurveysolutions.com/CSD/Downloads/Civil%20Site%20Design%20Plus%20-%20Install%20&%20License%20Guide.pdf
New Features
These are a highlight of what enhancements and new tools have been included in V24 along with and updates that have been made.
Civil Site Design New Features – View Here
Stringer Topo New Features – View Here
Webinar registrations
We are offering a range of free webinars with our technical experts to see V24 in action! Register your interest through the links below to attend in person or receive a recorded link for you to watch in your own time.
Civil Site Design Webinars : Register Now
Stringer Topo Webinars : Register Now
We offer a range of tutorials and recorded webinars on our youtube channel that are free to access and share with your team. Please see the links below for the relevant links.
Civil Survey Applications – Youtube Channel
Civil Site Design V24 – Youtube Playlist
Stringer Topo – Youtube Playlists
Further Support
For Assistance with Licensing, Troubleshooting and Technical Support regarding our applications:
If you have any questions or queries regarding your subscription or license please email subscriptions@civilsurveysolutions.com.au
If you are looking to purchase a license for either Civil Site Design or Stringer Topo please email:
Autodesk Platform Users: sales@civilsurveysolutions.com.au
BricsCAD Platform Users: sales@cadapps.com.au
We are pleased to announce the release of Stringer Topo V25.00. This version includes new features and improvements that aim to streamline your surveys within the CAD environment. Stringer Topo V25.00 is available on the following platforms: AutoCAD 2019 to AutoCAD 2025 BricsCAD V22 to BricsCAD V24 Civil 3D 2019 to Civil 3D 2025 Traverse […]