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Stringer Topo V24 Release

By |2023-04-19T01:03:38+00:00April 18th, 2023|Latest News, Stringer Topo|

Stringer Topo V24 has been released to support the Autodesk 2024 products, including a number of new and improved features. A Stringer Topo Toolspace has been created for V24 to provide direct access to your survey data.  From the Toolspace you can edit settings, import and reduce survey data, as well as create

Civil Site Design V24 Release

By |2023-04-19T00:22:57+00:00April 18th, 2023|Civil Site Design, Latest News|

To coincide with the Autodesk 2024 release, Civil site design v24 will be released featuring a number of new and improved features, here is an overview of what's in this release. A Civil Site Design toolspace has been developed from which users can design and edit & manage the roads and modelling content

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